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IPL-SHR Germany GmbH, devices for permanent and professional hair removal


Hairs are seen both in women and in men in certain areas of the body as unattractive and annoying. In women, this includes the armpits, legs, pubic area, back, belly, chest and facial hair. In men, it is courteous to remove the hair partially or completely in the armpits and the genital area. A hairy back or overly hairy chest is also perceived as very unattractive.

Now there are a variety of methods (shaving, waxing, plucking, etc.) to get rid of unwanted hairs. Most methods, however, are not of a lasting effect and rob each time  time and nerves. In addition, these methodes often cause secondary effects such as ingrown hairs, inflammations, spots and other skin irritations.

We solve this problem permanently! Equipped with an advanced IPL technology (Intense Pulsed Light), we offer equipment to the world's most effective and most gentle way to permanent hair removal to keep your customers fully satisfied. 


                             Our equipments are shot free!

Our IPL devices offer more!

Permanent hair removal is only one of the areas for which you can use your new IPL device, so you can also expect to conduct further applications:

  • Wrinkle reduction / Skin rejuvenation
  • warts and athlete's foot
  • spider veins

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